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Street Dance

Choreography, education, & performance


Submit a Testimonial for a Free Gift!

I love getting testimonials from all of my customers, so I'm offering a gift to you for just 2 minutes of your time! If you have purchased my resources, attended any of my trainings or hired me for anything else, I want to hear from you. Submit your testimonial at the link below and keep any eye out for your free gift!

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Click on the picture above to head to my "Essentials Store", where you can see all of the Back to School Packages available for Hip Hop teachers for the 2024-25 school year!

Thinking about summer workshops?

Click below to learn about where I go during the summer months for student workshops, teacher training, conventions, & choreography.

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Gift Vouchers

Did you win or receive a gift card / voucher for a private Hip Hop lesson? Head to my store page to redeem it now!

You may also use this link to purchase a voucher as a gift!

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The Comix Method is  brand new for 2021 as the official certification course for learning my approach to hip hop programs, classes, & choreography.  This program is available to teachers worldwide and serves as a massive education & ever expanding library of resources. My Workshop Videos & E-books are just scratching the surface. With this certificate, you get a full education in the method I have been training teachers to utilize for the last decade!

Click Here to head to and register for certification now!

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wHO aM i?

My name is John "Comix" Barrella. I am a dance educator from New Jersey.  As a full time artist, I spend my days instructing dancers, choreographing internationally, filming dance dancepts, consulting for dance teachers, performing, and directing my professional dance company.  It's my mission to use my voice in the dance community to share all the incredible things you can do with your knowledge.


Throughout my career, I have had the pleasure of using dance as a means to connect with young people across the country and help kick-start dance careers . I want to continue on that journey with every dancer and hip hop head out there .  As you explore my site, feel free to reach out to me at any time.  Let me know exactly what you need and we can discuss how I can use my art for you!


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What makes Hip Hop and Street Dance so compelling? Dancers around the world know the words "Hip Hop", yet there is still a struggle to inform people on what it actually is. Finding an audience to this art form is the easy part. However, with a world so over-saturated with work that is labelled as hip hop, it can be tricky to know what it really is.  My work as a teacher, choreographer and performer aims to show people the difference between hip hop and many other styles. What makes it so interesting is how very human it can be.  This is an art form created so organically in an atmosphere that needed it.   This entire culture was built upon the incredible things being done by the communities that needed a voice and an outlet. Today, people are still captivated by hip hop. Of course there's a good and bad to that too.  Some are loyal to its healing, empowering and strengthening powers. Hip Hops ability to force artists to be at the top of their game is one of the most important aspects. The drive to get better and have a conversation with your audience or your opponent that BUILDS on who you were previously is what creates our driven dancers. The other side of it is that many people don't realize how integral the roots of hip hop are to a student of dance. They love it enough to run with it anyway.  There is much work to be done.


Everything I know , discuss and teach is based on what I have learned about this art form over the years. I have the utmost respect for the teachers and pioneers involved in hip hop culture AND bboy culture, locking culture, popping culture...etc.. My understanding of dance comes from lessons and conversations with these men and women over the years. I am NOT A PIONEER OR MASTER of this art form. That title belongs to those who were born into the culture and helped it become what it is today. I am  a student and I am influenced by it. I aim to do good things with it. I aim to deliver information on it and help people grow with it. Hip Hop and other styles don't get mastered over night. It takes years and a high level of dedication. I am not delivering you a shortcut to hip hop. I am here to help you begin a journey with hip hop. I look to be the voice that makes sense and connects you with lessons and ideas that'll help you grow properly.  It goes without saying that there are many opinions on hip hop and sometimes conflicting ideas about definitions and even terminology.  I teach based on styles of dance I've gained extensive information on so that when I run with it, shape it and speak through it, I do so with respect and value for the art form. My word on dance is NOT LAW. It is opinion. It is my method, my philosophy. It is the way I've succeeded in bringing it to my students and my audience without having to diminish the roots of the style. My only hope going forward is to continue to find the students and the audience that can share love for these things as I do.

Interviews & Podcasts


This podcast interview focused on  important background on hip hop for dance competitions, featuring Voltaire Wade Greene and myself as we dive into misconceptions and dance history.

My 2019 interview for the official podcast for Tedx: Chaos, where I had the chance to discuss street dance, art, the history of my dance company, and what we presented as speakers for Tedx: Chaos.

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